Adrian's hair was becoming unmanageable. The tangles in the back were causing him and Erin a lot of pain, and the curls were getting out of control. We tried to get him used to the idea of a haircut weeks before, watching daddy get his (long overdue) haircut. And daddy again got his hair cut right before these photos were taken (some might say that daddy's hair was just getting to a reasonable length, but whatever . . . ).

Our new local barber shop seems to be run by two nice Russian ladies. Funny for an Italian neighborhood.
"hair tickles"

"You're taking too much off the top!!"

"Bus!!" (Adrian loves buses. . .and taxis . . .and cars . . .and trucks)

Our little hooligan.
I think this was almost immediately followed by a trip to the soda fountain and a giant Sundae (that mom ate most of).
He looks so grown up! And the last photo even looks like he's lost a tooth...which I know he hasn't. He'll be driving that bus, taxi, car or truck before you know it!