Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our trip to New Mexico

Adrian and I in the desert outside Taos. After this we rode donkeys into Native American villages and participated in ancient secret rituals involving sweat lodges and some really foul tasting beverage. I think it was called Coca-cola. . . I can't remember.


  1. Too bad you don't seem to like him at all. Also you are perilously close to those cacti. Didn't they teach you anything in your newborn safety class?

  2. Newborn safety class? Id that the one where newborns learn about knives? Adrian can already de-bone a chicken and gut a pig in under a minute.

  3. Taos is the BEST! I had an amazing time there last year when I camped around. Right on! That is so cool, travel on.

  4. But can he fillet a whole salmon?
