Saturday, May 30, 2009
Another beautiful day in Brooklyn. Volleyball in Prospect Park on a sunny day in May. I didn't take any pictures of Adrian playing volleyball: he was just too damn good; you wouldn't believe it.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Aunt Debbie stares in wonder
Don't worry!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Christine Love burps the baby
The Claw
Monday in the park with Adrian.

We love Brooklyn!
Freezer Guy!
Park Slope Food Coop's own Freezer Guy stopped by with some delicious chili and a hankerin' to hold a baby!
Adrian was excited to meet Caleb and the feeling seemed to be mutual. Adrian had just gotten some new jammies and was excited to try those on as well.
Caleb, you'll be happy to know that we froze a bunch of that chili and we'll be enjoying it all summer long (I don't mean it like that).
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I know you can't see him . . .
On the "Q" train no less. Erin, wearing her clothing swap jacket she got last week, Adrian and I went to Chinatown to have some blood drawn: the only lab open on a Sunday. Adrian was a champ and didn't cry at all during the draw. The technician said "the boys love the titties." We weren't sure what to make of this, but bought pork buns down the street. Good times.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wesley sniffs it out!
When we got home today from the Botanic Garden, he jumped up in Erin's lap, thinking perhaps that we had left Adrian outside somewhere. When he found out that we hadn't abandoned our infant son, he slunk off to the living room to pout into his litter box.
Proud (and tired!) parents

Evidently we brought the sunshine with us to the garden, and although it started pouring almost as soon as we got home, the sound of the rain provided the perfect soundtrack to our family nap-time.
Our trip to New Mexico
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Yo Adrian!
And as always: visitors welcome, casseroles welcome,
Fresh and new
Sarah and Matt
Our first (and only) visitors, Sarah and Matt. Now we realize that you New Yorkers are a busy lot, but what is your excuse for not visiting? Sarah had just gotten off of her third 12 hour shift in a row and if Matt looks tired, its because he had just finished building a storage shed in our room.
Lazy New Yorkers.
View from the 9th floor
From our first room: the view of 7th ave looking south from Greenwich Ave. Just out of sight on the right is a place called Fantasy World. Maybe Adrian will like gifts from there someday.
6 pounds, 13 ounces
OK, who's bet was closest? I'm pretty sure everyone was way off . . .not just about the weight, but the sex and due date as well. We knew all along that he wasn't going to be a girl. And that he would be early. And the exact weight. We also have some lottery number information we would be willing to sell . . . for the right price.
Mommy and Baby
Adrian Hopkins Weber
Labor & Delivery recap

I couldn't help snapping this picture of Erin (above her protests) in between contractions. Its the only picture I took during the labor. I was too busy boiling water and pacing to do much else.
Seriously, Erin was a rock-star and I will never forget how amazing it was, even if Erin forgets and wants to get pregnant again.
Next up . . .introducing: Adrian Hopkins Weber!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Kentucky Derby Day (part 2)
Kentucky Derby Day (part 1)
After a long night of laboring in the living room, Erin returned back to our bed, only to be disturbed by me and the new Canon G10. We went for a walk and picked up some nice finds at the Sycamore Clothing swap (where I managed to get rid of two shirts that are far too large to fit me).
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