Tuesday, September 22, 2009

At the farm

One of the people I buy cheese from was kind enough to let us stay at the farm he and his family own in Ghent, NY. We picked apples, chased cows and saw cheese-making in action.

Family portrait with pear trees.

Smiling baby and apple.

Adrian isn't really sitting in a high chair. It just looks that way. Notice the towel and sweater stuffed into the cracks and crevices.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Adrian's first plane trip (to Florida).

Where he learned to roll over . . .

. . . sat on his Great Grandmother's knee . . .

. . . got singing tips from his Great-Grandfather . . .

. . .and learned to squeal with delight!
Good times.